
Yup, we're using archaic derogatory language on a blog about grammar

Wednesday, 4 June 2008


img src="" border="0" title="We've moved to" alt="We've moved to" />

Sign of failure, originally uploaded by emmastory.

Here we have another missing accent combined with a superfluous apostrophe.

What is a 'Delicattesen'? Why are there companies that don't know how to spell their own services?

Blogger Kay McCharles said...

What is it with apostrophes? I see them all the time from supposedly professional types. Next to unnecessary quotation marks, they're my biggest pet peave.

10 June 2008 at 22:23  
Blogger Lisa said...

Yikes! This one actually caused me pain as I was reading it. The apostrophe issue seems to be getting much worse of late. Or am I just getting more Nazi-like?

(Enjoying your site!)

13 June 2008 at 02:01  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Maybe they were going for a French look? "Entree" has an accent on, I think, the next to last e when written in French. Maybe the sign-orderer wrote this but the sign-maker threw it in as an apostrophe instead.

22 June 2008 at 18:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way... Focacceria (an italian word) has only three "c", not four.



9 July 2008 at 17:54  

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