
Split Infinitives and Beyond

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Bog basics

img src="" border="0" title="We've moved to" alt="We've moved to" />

Public toilets may well be the sordid stomping ground of sexual predators, but that's no excuse for bad grammar.

Brian De Groodt, who found us via our mention in the Wall Street Journal, explains:

I make an annual trip up to Laguna Seca in Monterey, California to join about 150,000 other motorcyclists for a big race. As you might imagine, some motorcyclists are smarter than many others. One apparently was staying at the same campsite as me and was clearly offended by the poor grammar this considerate citizen used in trying to encourage some civility in the camp. Anyone that's ever visited a men's restroom knows the need for this message and clearly the "proofreader" in this restroom wanted to make sure the message was not left to misinterpretation. I'd argue there's a lot more to be done here (caps and punctuation) but it's a good start.

Keep up the good work Brian.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anyone that's ever visited..."

Might not "Anyone who's ever visited..." be more correct?

13 June 2008 at 02:00  
Blogger Tom said...

Almost certainly.

13 June 2008 at 07:28  
Blogger TootsNYC said...

I once corrected a sign (billboard, really) in a subway station.

A few weeks later someone told me that he'd been in my subway station. How did he know that was my stop?

He'd seen the correction, and figured it had to be me. He was thoroughly convinced when he saw my small hometown had been marked on a billboard map of the U.S.


17 June 2008 at 18:08  

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