Sunday, 31 August 2008
Goodnight lady's
img src="" border="0" title="We've moved to" alt="We've moved to" />

When I see children's clothing adorned with phrases from the world of adults, I always feel slightly sick. Especially when the spelling and grammar are bad.

But I'm in two minds about this one. Is it a patronising, faintly tasteless and semi-literate statement describing the young chap's future predilection for womanising? Or is the grammar entirely deliberate: a clever subversion of the chauvinist cliché, affirming the boy's love for his mother and hinting at a future of monogamy, maturity and commitment? Have I been reading The Guardian a bit too much recently?
Thanks to Melissa Jaeger-Miller, who sent us this gem.
Labels: apostrophe abuse, babywear, photos, punctuation
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This hints more at a future of a mama's boy with an effeminate personality disorder than at monogamy and maturity.
maybe his mom's name is Lady (?!)
and his Dad is a tramp.
I agree with Rachel to a point but I'm not sure that an effeminate personality is a disorder. What's that Mother? Kill them? But they seem so nice...
Is the title of the post a reference to this scene from the Three Amigos (a.k.a. "The Best Film Ever, Ever")?
Sorry, Gez. I should have specified: an effeminate personality to the point of it being a disorder. Heaven knows I love a good effeminate personality as much as the next girl, but the mama's boys? No, thanks.
It's actually a reference to 'Goodnight Ladies' on Lou Reed's Transformer album. But I did watch 3 Amigos the other night, which may well have embedded the phrase in my head.
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